Lily Furlong

I am a BFA Graduate from Mount Allison University in NB, Canada, currently working on oil paintings and clay sculptures.

Grrls, 20x16" Oil on linen, 2022

This is inspired by a photograph, I was drawn to the viewpoint which creates a sense of distance from the figures and intrigue as to what they are looking at. I also liked the long hair and fashions of the teenagers.

Goat, clay and enamel sculpture with bronze powder details, 2022

Everyday Magic, 20x24", Oil on linen, 2022

The Calathea plant closes its leaves at night and opens them again each morning. In this painting I wanted to suggest the cycle of time and appreciation of the wonders that exist all around us.

Cactus, Clay, wire, enamel and chalk paint sculpture, 2020