Bill Kerr

I have had an interest in art for many years and did a fine art and sculpture course at Cumbria College of Art and later at Preston Polytechnic concentrating on printmaking and sculpture. This was a long time ago as l am now retired and devote much of my time to art.  

My art has been invaluable during the lockdown period providing me with a focus. The results have been varied in success as l have had failures, but it has made me think more about the creative process and what l want to achieve. I paint in watercolour and acrylics and have used oil paint, pastels, charcoal, and recently l have made plaster and recycled card sculptures. 

I love walking my dog where l find objects that can be turned into art. This small selection of paintings represents my style at the moment, but l change ideas and methods frequently which is vital to keep my art going forward.

Maryport, by Bill Kerr, oils on canvas

Congregational Church Facade, Lowther Street, Carlisle


Still Life, by Bill Kerr

Coastal Cottage, oils on canvas, by Bill Kerr