Anne Kelly

Initially I concentrated on watercolours, frequently choosing flowers as my subject, as in this picture of roses.  

When I moved to Madrid, I joined an art studio where I was encouraged to expand my range and try new media and subjects. 

Now living in Cumbria my pictures often feature the Lake District.

Borrowdale in the Lake District. I like to use bright colours to make my work lively, even though this is less realistic.

I also like to make geometrical representations of the Cumbrian landscape.

Rickerby Park, Carlisle. The use of colour makes it lively, and there is a suggestion of the actual scene, but much is left to the viewer’s imagination.

Carlisle Castle. It is part of a series I have produced of Carlisle at night. By making the image abstract, it becomes more striking, as I can include the features I think are important to create the atmosphere of the scene, whilst leaving out the odds and ends that could clutter up the painting.

I appreciate being a member of Carlisle and Border Arts Society, where I can meet up with other artists and examine and discuss their methods and paintings. It is helpful not to work in isolation, but to learn from others, and accept advice from them. The exhibitions have been a wonderful way to showcase, and sell my pieces.